The online course on Human Rights in Palestine is an informative program that will provide participants with information about the human rights situation in Palestine. The online course will focus on women’s and children’s rights in particular and the work of human rights NGOs in the city of Hebron. The program is designed to give you a better understanding of the human rights situation in Palestine and of the numerous violations of them, with a particular emphasis on the personal testimony of individuals who have experienced the situation on the ground.

The Human Rights In Palestine online course will give you the opportunity to raise awareness of human rights, particularly the rights of children, women, and refugees. It will also broaden your understanding and awareness of society, especially in relation to marginalized groups, and of the social, economic, cultural, political, and citizenship rights guaranteed to them by international law.

The Current Situation in the West Bank, Palestine

For the benefit of anyone considering enrolling in this online course, the following article may provide insight into Palestine’s human rights situation. It summarizes a report from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) from 2015. If anything, the situation probably deteriorated during the intervening period. According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), in a report released on 5 March 2015 and relating to the period of 26 May 2013 to 31 October 2014, it was noted that there were “widespread violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law” in Palestine.

The pervasiveness of military occupation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and East Jerusalem has meant that adherence to international law is limited, with the independent international NGO, Human Rights Watch, noting “severe and discriminatory restrictions on Palestinians’ human rights.”

Topics Covered in the Course

All discussions and presentations will be given by a lecturer who speaks fluent English and will explain the human rights situation in Palestine in detail. The presentations will include the following topics:

  • Human rights violations committed by the Israeli occupation forces.
  • Examples of areas where humanitarian law has been ignored or violated.
  • The detention and torture of individuals and their treatment while in custody.
  • Human rights violations were carried out in areas under the control of the Palestinian Authority.
  • Obstacles to the process of democratization.
  • Women’s rights and gender equality in Palestine.
  • Palestinian children’s rights.
  • Human rights organizations and local NGOs working in Palestine; their roles, responsibilities, and significant achievements.

Duration of the Online Course

The course is structured to provide participants with all the relevant information on the topic through a series of intensive lessons and presentations.

  • The lessons will take place over four days (lessons can be taken sequentially or staggered).
  • Each lesson lasts for two hours (including a 10-minute break). 
  • The total duration of the course is 8 hours.

Benefits of the Course

  • After completing this course, participants will have an increased understanding and awareness of the human rights situation in Palestine. They will be well-informed about the existing mechanisms for protecting human rights.
  • The course will be facilitated by a lecturer speaking fluent English.
  • The course is completely online, saving participants time and money and allowing them to attend at their own pace and date.
  • The first 15 minutes of the online lesson are free, after which participants can decide whether to continue the course.
  •  The course is organized in such a way as to accommodate your own schedule. 
  •  The Human Rights online course is flexible, meaning lessons can be taken sequentially or separately.
  • Participants can attend the course individually or as part of a group (ranging from 2 to 6 students).
  • At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion, which the Excellence Center and Engage in Palestine will verify.

What Material Will Be Provided for Participants in the Course?

  • The course material, which is based in part on individuals’ personal experiences, will give participants a clear and concise explanation of the facts related to human rights. It will also include open discussions, exchanges of opinion, input from all participants, and question-and-answer sessions.
  • Participants will be provided with the text of all presentations and pictorial and video material related to the topic.

Who Would this Program Be Suitable For?

In general, the Human Rights in Palestine online course would be suitable for:

  • Human Rights Activists, Lawyers, Trainee Lawyers, Judges, Procurators, Defenders, and Educators in the faculties of Human Rights and Law, or indeed anybody who is interested in human rights and the legal frameworks surrounding them, are welcome to register for this online course.
  • Individuals aged 18 – 75 years are eligible to register for the program.
  • Students in the faculties of Law, Legal Studies, Human Rights, International Law, Criminal Law, Comparative Law, Political Science, and many other areas.

What Is Needed in Order to Enroll in the Online Course?

In order to enroll in this course, you will need the following :

  • A functional laptop, smartphone, iPad, or similar device. 
  • The device must have a fully functioning camera, microphone,e and speakers or headphones. 
  • Good internet connection.
  • Ideally, you will need to be in a quiet place where you will not be interrupted or disturbed.

What Don’t You Need?

  • Knowledge of languages other than English.
  • An academic degree.
  • There is no need to be a current university or school student.
  • Previous experience or knowledge of the topics covered in the course. 

Where and How?

We provide online courses on human rights in Palestine via Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Facetime, or any other online platform. 

Information on the online course on Human Rights in Palestine:

Platform of Online CourseDays of the week
Course Duration8 Hours 
Hours Per Week1-4 (Flexible)
Session Length90 Minutes/4 Sessions
Course Costs150 Euro
Average Students Per Class1 (Once to One Course)
Participants16-75 years old
Agreeable (Flexible)Saturday-Friday
Time of ClassesAgreeable (Flexibel)
Program’s ReviewsReviews and ratings On
Reviews and ratings On
Participants video testimonials
University CreditAvailable
Course MaterialAvailable in PDF format
Registration Fee30 Euro

How To Apply

If you want to participate in the Online Course on Human Rights in Palestine, please write to us at

In the subject line of your email, write “Online Course on Human Rights in Palestine.”We should be able to respond to your initial inquiry within 1-2 business days.

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