8 Tips for Travelling to Palestine in 2025: Study in Palestine has welcomed over a thousand volunteers, interns, and students to Palestine since 2011. Most people have no trouble crossing the border into Palestine and staying with us in Hebron.
However, the current security situation can make entry to the West Bank a bit unpredictable. Since the war started in 2023, some incoming volunteers have been searched or turned back before boarding the plane. Entry can depend on the person you speak to, what they check, what they ask, and whether they decide to let you in.
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However, there are some things you can do to reduce the risk that this will happen to you as you plan your travel. Following the advice on this list will give you the best chance to join us at Study in Palestine!
List of the 8 Tips for Travelling to Palestine in 2025
1. Plan Your Point of Entry
The occupation does not allow Palestine to have its own airport. So, there are two options for entry – through the Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv or through the King Hussein Bridge border crossing overland from Jordan.
If possible, plan to travel through Jordan’s King Hussein Bridge border crossing rather than Ben Gurion Airport. The crossing from Jordan into Palestine takes more time, but the security at Ben Gurion Airport can be stricter. With the Jordan crossing, you are already arriving directly to the West Bank.
2. Pick Your Airline
If you travel through Ben Gurion, we recommend that you do not book through an Israeli-operated airline. Security before boarding can be much stricter, and you may be scrutinized more before you even board.
3. Pick Your Route
Try not to travel via any country with a tenuous relationship with Israel, especially Arab countries other than Jordan. While Israel does not stamp your passport, other countries might, and stamps from these countries might make you more likely to be questioned.
4. Ensure You Submit the ETA
As of January 1st, 2025, Israel requires an Electronic Travel Authorisation to be submitted before you travel to the country. The check-in desk at the airport will request it. The form will ask you for your personal details, travel date, how long you intend to stay, and whether you have been denied entry to Israel. Make sure to fill it out and submit it before booking your flight if it is not approved. If approved, the ETA is valid for 2 years, and you may travel for up to 90 days at a time during that period.
5. Pack Carefully
We advise that you do not bring anything in your luggage, either checked or carry-on, that may link you to Palestine, Islam, or another Arab country. In particular, don’t bring anything of personal value as it may be confiscated.
6. Stay Calm and Carry On
Some people come through immigration with no problems at all. Some people are taken aside and questioned on why they are coming to Israel, whether they know anyone there, whether they have Arab friends, why they are coming to Israel now, and things like that. It may take a few minutes, or it may take many hours.
Some people might be friendly, and some might not be. Our best advice is to stay calm and be friendly until the questions finish. We know you are coming here because you care about the Palestinian people, but if you are asked any questions about the political or security situation, please do not express too much sympathy or share your own views.
7. Dress to Impress
People who arrive looking professional may have a better chance of not being questioned. If you arrive looking like an activist, immigration might guess your purpose and flag you for questioning. This doesn’t mean you need to wear a suit, tie, or any other formal wear, but try to look somewhat professional. Definitely do not arrive wearing a keffiyeh!
8. Get Some Great Travel Insurance
While we’ve given you the best advice possible for getting to Hebron, the security situation can be unpredictable. It is advisable to ensure you have good travel insurance, a return flight that is easy to change, or a plan B if you cannot enter.
“I arrived at Ben Gurion airport and was only asked how long I would be staying, where I was staying, and if I had any friends or family in Israel. I said I was on a sabbatical from work, which is true, and I wanted to learn more about and see more of the country. I booked a hotel for a night in Tel Aviv and a night in Jerusalem and told the immigration officer the names of those hotels. He allowed me through without more questions.” – Eva, 2025 Volunteer.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about traveling to Palestine.
Contact Us
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
WhatsApp:+972 599 479 880
Website: https://volunteerinpalestine.org/
EC Website: https://excellencenter.org/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/excellence.center
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ExcellenceCenter
Tags: Palestine tourism guide, Palestine travel tips, Travel to Palestine 2025, Visiting the West Bank, West Bank travel safety